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The Future of Work

The world of work is rapidly evolving, and the next few decades will see significant changes as a result of various powerful forces. In this blog post, we will explore these forces and the impact they will have on working lives and discuss what we need to do to prepare for the future of work.

The Future of Work

The Increasing Role of Geopolitics and the Shift from Global to Regional

Geopolitics is increasingly playing a role in shaping the future of work. The shift from a global to a regional focus is creating new challenges and opportunities. The rise of new economic powers, such as China and India, is changing the balance of power and altering the global economic landscape. This is leading to the growing importance of regional skills and networks, as well as a greater focus on local innovation and entrepreneurship.

The Ageing and Shrinking of High Wage Economies and the Challenges of Growing Inequality

The demographic changes in high-wage economies are leading to an ageing population and a shrinking workforce. At the same time, income inequality is increasing, creating new challenges for the future of work. The combination of these factors is leading to a growing need for new ways of working, such as flexible and remote working, and a greater emphasis on the importance of skills and lifelong learning.

The Multi-Stage Life and the Importance of Diverse Networks

The concept of the ‘multi-stage life’ is becoming increasingly relevant in the context of work. People are living and working for longer and are likely to have multiple careers and multiple stages in their working lives. As a result, it is important to build diverse networks and cultivate a range of skills that can be applied in different stages of life.

The Step Change in AI and the Importance of Augmented Skilled Work

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly advancing and is set to play an even bigger role in the future of work. It will require augmented skilled work and highlight the importance of human contributions in terms of empathy and creativity. AI will require workers to be more adaptable and to continuously upgrade their skills to keep pace with new technologies.

The Importance of Corporate Alignment and Human Agency

Corporations will play a critical role in shaping the future of work, and it is important that they align short-term and longer-term thinking. Companies need to think about the future of work and prepare their employees for the changes that are coming. At the same time, it is important for individuals to take control of their own futures and to build the skills and networks that will enable them to succeed in the future.


The future of work is rapidly evolving, and it is important for us to prepare for the changes that are coming. The role of geopolitics, the aging and shrinking of high-wage economies, the rise of AI, and the importance of corporate alignment and human agency are all important factors that will shape the future of work. By embracing these changes and building the skills and networks that will enable us to succeed, we can navigate the shifting landscape and ensure a bright future for ourselves and for generations to come.


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